About Us

We are committed to offering affordable counselling sessions for adults, children and young people in the Horsham and Crawley area. Our team consists of experienced, fully qualified counsellors and some counsellors who are in the latter years of their training.

We have a long-established record of providing this support to local residents and to employees of companies and other organisations within our local area.

Our focus as a service is relational and is on the quality of the relationship between you and your counsellor. Our team can offer expertise within the full range of therapeutic practice and orientations, including humanistic, psychodynamic, integrative and transactional analysis. We work either long or short term as we are led by you. We do not offer couples therapy

What approaches are used?

Our therapists work using a wide range of therapeutic approaches.  Currently have no therapists who work purely within a CBT framework.  For more information on types of therapy click here.

We also have counsellors specifically trained to work with children and young people as part of our PACT service, more details can be seen here.

How are we insured?

Our counsellors are all professionally insured and clinically supervised fortnightly. They also hold Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checks. 

What success rates do we have?

Independent analysis of our work from our clinical database (CORE) showed that over 80% of our clients showed reliable and clinically significant improvement during their counselling with us.

What professional body is HCCG a member of?

The counsellors within our group are all British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) members (or other professional counselling bodies) and abide by its’ Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions (July 2018). HCCG CIC is an organisational member of the BACP.

Horsham & Crawley Counselling Group (HCCG) is operated as a Community Interest Company (CIC) – this means any surplus we make is used only to support our work and the Group is managed by a Board of Directors and our team.

We are also members of the following associations and organisations: